Tub & Shower Cleaning Made Easier with The Show-Wow!


This Tidy Chick is a complete “SUCKA” for gadgets!  Although to my credit, I must share that I did loudly and proudly reject the wildly popular, as seen on TV, gone viral—“Veggetti”.  Didn’t quite see the point of spinning my vegetables into a thin noodle-like shape that has no chance of ever tasting like pasta; my deepest apologies to Veggetti fans everywhere!

Back on point; to the subject of gadgets…Check out this homemade cleaning gem! I call this little prize “THE SHOW-WOW”, (pronounced shall-wow lest you were confused);  you know, kind of like the “Sham-Wow” but…. “NOT”; it’s for your shower, of course!  You take a regular, everyday, run of the mill pot scrubber; fill it ½ full with Dawn dishwashing liquid and the other ½ Vinegar and you now have a powerful, inexpensive tub and shower cleaner nestled inside this handy household tool that you may already have lying around your home just waiting to be repurposed!

So, now that you know what I do while I’m waiting for my conditioner to work, I’d love to hear about YOUR favorite housekeeping gizmo’s too!  So, please feel free to SHARE any pearls of your own wisdom in the comments below!